Oh my I can't believe two months has passed since I have posted.We have had six weeks of school holidays,Christmas,New Years,a category 2 cyclone and a ten day visit from my Mum and niece in that time...all in all not much time to be creative though the thoughts to do so are never far from my mind.In late November I participated in a challenge at the After Midnight yahoo group.We were all sent a small wooden salad fork,a small rubber band and a piece of loose weave hessian material.The task was to make a Geometric decoration(Geodeco) from scrap paper and incorporate these items into the end product.Zeborah Loray came up with the concept for Geodecos and has excellent instructions in the tutorial section at the After Midnight Art Stamps web site.
I used some of my nappy liner backgrounds for mine as you need pretty scraps decorated on both sides.The end result was quite large and colourful.It doesn't scan or photograph well but is really vibrant and has lots of texture
I used some of my nappy liner backgrounds for mine as you need pretty scraps decorated on both sides.The end result was quite large and colourful.It doesn't scan or photograph well but is really vibrant and has lots of texture
SSSooo can you guess where the items sent to us are in mine???.The hessian material I pulled apart and then rolled into balls in my palm with PVA glue.I then dipped the balls in Opals embossing enamels and hit them with the heat gun.They made the red beads you see.The elastic band was painted gold and put around the top glass pebble.Lastly the salad fork was cut in pieces and painted gold and placed in various spots around the item.
All the entries are displayed here and were truly amazing.It's wondrous how we all came up with such diverse end result with three weird items and some scrap card.By the way there is a warning with making geodeco thingies...they are totally addictive and you will never ever throw your scraps out again LOL.You can make them as big or as small as you want.Have fun
All the entries are displayed here and were truly amazing.It's wondrous how we all came up with such diverse end result with three weird items and some scrap card.By the way there is a warning with making geodeco thingies...they are totally addictive and you will never ever throw your scraps out again LOL.You can make them as big or as small as you want.Have fun