Jury Duty truly is a necessary evil but my 7 weeks of it have at last come to end.I spent yesterday cleaning the house,today I have worked on the last modules I have been trying to fit in for a self directed learning thing pre lectures in 2 weeks time.Now I am back to my usual life cycle and art is calling me loud and clear.It's been hard to fit time in for Grant and the kids let alone art these last 2 months but tomorrow I shall play!!!.A few weeks ago we did a trip out to Fogg Dam...it's only 20 mins from here and was a failed rice growing exercise that has a dam wall over the flood plains.Now it is a gorgeous animal and bird retreat.There are a few walks thru the forest areas pre dam wall and we hadn't done them since the kids were small.I had forgot how lush and pretty it was on the walk.
You used to be able to walk across the dam wall but now you can only drive over as there is a trap shy saltie in there.We drove over and then spied this little Tata lizard overseeing the birds below LOL.

Here we are on the walking track thru the forest.It was so cool, green and lush...oh yeh and full of Woman eating mozzies!!!...they couldn't get thru Grant's hairy legs.

These are some bush food berries.

Spoonbills and a lovely Jabiru...one of our largest water birds.

A closer look at the Jabiru and the wonderful colours on his head.
Some more Spoonbill's
I was intrigued by what looks like a flower encased in this leaf on the walking track.

There were fungi all over the place and this one could have acted as a fairy bath.

A few evening later we went for a walk to the lagoon behind us and on the way back spied a young, golden banded tree snake
Here's looking at you...
He was quick to climb the nearest tree and get away.

The Dry season has rolled in at last and the days are long and warm,humidity has dropped and the nights are cooler.Perfect days for creating I say!!
Annette In Oz