I awoke this morning to the very sad news of Robin Williams passing away...a victim of depression and suicide..a tragic loss to the arts and the World...he made me smile, think and enjoy the World and he will be so missed by me and many others. RIP Robin and my thoughts to his family. His passing crept into my mind all day...we have such a short time on this planet and lately I have been letting my art time slip so I also found myself thinking I need to do more art and share my life as I go as I have always done in the past..so here is a much awaited post and I hope there are more to come.
We are getting out and about up here in our new home in far north Queensland. I can't believe we have been here 7 and a half months already. On the week end we went to iconic Rusty's markets in Cairns...a great place to buy fresh produce and also other interesting items. While there we came across an awesome stand with pop up cards.....I have always loved pop up cards and couldn't resist buying four!
A few months ago I sent some double up books I had to an on line friend Autumn in the USA. As a thank you she sent me this gorgeous monochromatic (well almost LOL) card below...thanks so much Autumn!
I'm still struggling to find work away from nursing but I 'll keep trying. To fill in my time I'm doing weekly art classes at Douglas Art Base and we are slowly learning about acrylic paints and how to use them. I'm also doing a ten week experimental fiber arts course plus intermittently making some jewellery. There is a pebbly beach near us and I spent several hours gathering rocks to weave wire around...

It's weird as I thought being unemployed I would have loads of time to create but I seem to be busy doing nothing LOL. Well not really nothing as we have had delightful visitors after visitors here as well which has also kept me busy...visiting far north Queensland is a desired thing to do for those whom live in colder areas down South. We also are getting out and about to explore the gorgeous tropical rain forests that abound up here....there is a lovely walk near home called the Bump Track and its become a fav spot of mine. There is a divine creek along the track that I love which is below. I'll do a separate post re places we have been soon.
I also did a quick visit back to Darwin to see my daughter Carlia and our gorgeous granddaughter Ivy who is now 7 and a half months old. She is full of giggles and fun and is a very happy cruisey baby. I love her to bits
I hope to start posting more again soon and get more art and jewellery done as well. Till then....hug yr loved ones close and tell them you love them, embrace the World and its diversity and never take people for granted as like Robin they may not be there tomorrow...sigh
Annette In Oz