My "other life" runs me ragged at times but the kids are back at school at last, new books, new uniforms and bags and silence at last LOL.....but never far from my mind is my next arty adventure.I madly scribble ideas on my desk paper when my "other life" is busy like these past few weeks and today I had a few hours spare to start on my list of "what ifs".Since I learnt how to etch metal with
Jen Crossley in
May I knew I loved it and wanted to do more.I have been slowly getting some metal working tools together and the last of them arrived on with some excitement,fear and delight I began.
I etched some thin copper and some nickel silver using stamps, a perm ink and an enchant solution. Then I dipped them in liver of sulphate(smells like rotten eggs) to oxidize them.I have cut the bits in certain shapes to make some things with so I shall post what I make as I get each part made. This first piece is the copper and is shinier then what it scans.
the next two are nickel silver of which will be the backing on another Angelina Film and Opals necklace for a friend.

and a nickel silver rectangle
I'm thinking of alcohol inking the square ones. There are a few more pieces I have to etch yet and then I shall get started on making what I want to make. ....if they turn out LOL
Annette in Oz