Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Goodies Came In The Mail
Last night I was having trouble falling asleep.I'm having a feeling of great need to get creative at the moment.I some how lost three hours looking at supplies in Etsy this AM LOL and then remembered some mail had arrived that I hadn't opened.I'd placed it on my desk when I had to rush away to Sydney for Rob's funeral.There it was waiting for me today when I finally felt like opening it and man am I glad I did.There was this tiny vintage mini tin type album I had purchased on Ebay.It's old red leather and gilded front and back just make me want to touch it
and inside were 80 tin types.The inner pages are worn so I'll remove the tin types and use them in my art work.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Dog gone it LOL
I try to keep the blog for crafty stuff but just had to share these photos.The first is my rat bag and much loved long haired Jack Russel Minty.She had fallen asleep on my lap and when I got up and placed her down on the chair she stayed like this asleep for ages.What a hussy hey LOL?.
When we went to Sydney for Rob's funeral we stayed with Steve, Chris, Craig, David and the dawgs!!!They have four Daschund's.This is bear begging for his tummy to be scratched by Grant.
Here are all four asleep in a big happy dog pile

Each night Bear gets the blanket and sort of snuggles under it till he has a cover then the others lay around and on top.Snags is at the back and she is Mum to the other three.Millie is middle left and Daisy middle right.Millie,Daisy and Bear are all Snag's pups...amazing size difference to them hey?.I'm off to make Cory's(Carlia's boyfriend)21st invites before work this arvo.My back problem (degenerative discs squelching the nerve) is worsening unfortunately so may as well try to do them while I can.Have a great day folks :o)
Annette In Oz
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Leonardo Da Vinci Paper Bag Collaborative Book Swap
Healing art evaded me for a few weeks but these last two days I did get a little creative....and I do feel much better.I'll miss my Robyn for along time but I choose to remember her in a fun good way now.I thank you all for your kind words too.
I've had these Leonardo pages on my desk for nearly 2 months and finally made them into a book today.The pages are paper bags laid one way then the other and then sewn down the middle.The bag opening holds two pages back to back.For the cover I used the same Leo image I used on one of my pages, enlarged it and transferred it to material.Then I glued it to grunge board,painted and textured around the image and added a painted swirl.
and the back sign in slips.
Pages5-6.Debbie Reid on left and Annie Mackay on the right.
I've had these Leonardo pages on my desk for nearly 2 months and finally made them into a book today.The pages are paper bags laid one way then the other and then sewn down the middle.The bag opening holds two pages back to back.For the cover I used the same Leo image I used on one of my pages, enlarged it and transferred it to material.Then I glued it to grunge board,painted and textured around the image and added a painted swirl.
Here is the completed book from the side.
Page 1-2.Mine on the left and Liz Gale on the right.
Pages 3-4.Maragret Rodgers left and Annie Mackay on the right.
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