ME and I was so delighted they asked....the full instructions for the canvas I made them are here at
Stampersquest e-zine.Bea had some trouble when she loaded the pictures to the e-zine at her end and the contrast looks a bit wonky in some plus they wont open in a new window at the zine.So with her permission I have put them here so you can open them in a separate window if you like.To know what they are about you have to read the article though by clicking on the highlighted red link above that says "stampersquest" :o)
I actually made the canvas in early January before Bea asked me so I had to remake it and take step by step photos for the zine and now I have two canvas's the same.
On some photos I have the thing being photographed on white backgrounds and then repeated the photo on black.The colour shimmers more on black and makes it harder to take a photo without reflecting so that is why there are two front images here as well.
Congrats Annette - these are gorgeous!
I love this, and the step-by-steps, it has turned out stunningly.
Your a legend Annette your works are amazing I love the techinques
Congratulations Annette! What a fabulous piece.
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