Life life my dreams I am forever a creator...then reality hits me on the head.I am a wife,mother
registered nurse who works
shift work,taxi,bank...well till there is no money for the hungry mob,cook,kitchen hand,cleaner,adviser,laundromat,unpaid house worker,therapist,retail shopper(I hate shopping by the way) and so on ...then sometimes I am just plain tired.In my *cough* spare time I am also a creator.My metal etched house has the roof completed and the front door almost on.Its been evolving ever so slowly as the metal is hard to match with what is in my stash.I have settled for old dictionary parts,nickel silver and bronze elements mainly.I'm waiting for the camera to recharge to take some photos of the roof but I did get some photos taken of two cards I have just completed for my husbands brother and sister(they are twins) before the camera died.The first one is for Julie.
Julie was my flat mate and how I met my beloved Grant her brother.I went for bright reds.I've used
Tria and Alcohol inks on gloss card for the background.I've added some buttons,wire words,brads and eyelets.I really like the look of torn
card stock.Not that you would know of course *grin*

Closer look at the buttons from the top down

The next is for Mark.Julie's twin brother.This one I did in blues and red.

I've adored buttons for a long time and I love vintage buttons.To me they are symbol of activity and as such life.I think that is why I have used so many on both of these cards.They, like us do so much in life life