Mary has contacted me...I had a wrong e-mail for her and she is so delighted in winning the etched metal house.I thank you all again too for entering and your kind words.Over the two weeks of the draw I have been creating quietly in the background.I've made four etched metal ATC's,three etched metal flat house shaped necklaces inspired no doubt by
Jen Crossley and Stephanie Lee's book "semi-precious salvage" which my daughters snaffled up.I also managed to fix two other past projects and start two painted ladies on canvas.
The etching process works really fast here in the tropical heat but I decided to leave the ATC's in the etchant for 1hr and I love how deeply etched they are.The one below was for a return to Linda Aldred.The wings move and there is alcohol ink on the wing and the "fly" word.It has black patina added after etching.I'm getting much better at drilling in metal now...thanks too Jen for showing us how :o)

This was my first ever attempt at soldering(again after a much appreciated lesson from Jen C) and it took me AGES to add the jump rings LOL.Then I realized the one at the right is slightly smaller then the other one afterward.Oh well its just for me anyway LOL.I finally got some silver glue on bails to add a chandelier dangle and its done at last.

This was a pin I had previously made but I took the pin back off and drilled holes to make it into a necklace as well.

The other three metal Atc's Ill upload shortly and I'm thinking to offer them as trades.Two more evenings to work and then hope to have two days off at last.Last week at work was a nightmare with me doing double shifts and extra shifts on my days off.As soon as the heat and humidity hit(40C Degrees last few days and 90 plus percent humidity)spare RN"S disappeared and have gone South.Several of our permanent staff have also left *sigh*.Disconnecting the phone line for two days may be the go I think.I'm still painting my ladies so want to get them done and dusted too.There are too many bugs at night to paint later in the day but the days are so hot the paint dries really quick...may take a bit to finish them
Annette In Oz