Sunday, August 31, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Kimberley Trip Photos
and behind looking over Hidden Valley.Even here you can see the mountain range is eroding similar to the Bungle Bungle's and people call it a Mini Bungle Bungle range
There are only two small areas open to the Public at the moment.The road in is very rough and 4wheel drive only...takes about 2 hrs to drive 53km's so you can see why.You have to sign in at the Rangers station and pay camp or day trip fees.These are the first domes that we saw up close on the road to the camp area.

looking back toward the entrance over the palms
At the end you climb over huge boulders(that have thankfully had steps and a viewing point built on them)to see a lovely mini palm lined chasm below.
The afternoon light was fast fading but we still had time to go on Echidna Chasm Walk.On this one you felt you were being engulfed by the steep sides of the walk.It goes for ages thru numerous tight walled areas that spill into open areas.Toward the end it opens into a large circular area.Tim had a hoot here making his voice bounce of the walls and it was so cool and peaceful.This next photo is taken from there looking toward the next tight walled section to walk thru just before the end.
Night quickly fell and after a restless sleep in the noisy packed camp grounds we headed off to other walking tracks and Gorges to the right of the Rangers station.As you drive there the domes start to appear more and more.We were all transfixed by these stone structures and there coloured bands and kept stopping and taking photos of them.On one stop I walked away from the road to get better pictures and discovered Wild flowers and emu tracks in the red sand.

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Opals Encrusted Jewellery stand
Transfers Link I Found Today
I was looking for my Sheer Heaven to do Sheer Heaven Transfers and could not find it.Went thru every draw twice and then in frustration ordered more.Then I went looking for the transfer instructions....couldn't find those either after three searches so Googled them and found them here.After ordering more Sheer Heaven and printing instructions again I decide to use some vellum and open the draw to find...yep the Sheer Heaven and the instructions I was looking for for the last 2 and a half hours...sheesh!!!!!Anyway the good thing was that while I was looking for the dotcalm Sheer Heaven site info I found this other site and it has lots of instructional how too's for all sorts of stuff you can apply in your paper arts persuits.The link will open on a transfer tutorial (rolls eyes and sighs "of course")but you can click at the left for others.Here is the link
My daughter Melissa needed to go to a friends place this evening and while I was driving her there the Something With Numbers song "Stay With Me Bright Eyes" (from the post below) was on the radio that my nephew was in.It was the first time I had heard it on the radio here and made me smile.I was one proud Aunty LOL.Still picking these darn spinifex spines out of my hands but I am starting to be able to hold my pens and brushes again at last.I've resized the Kimberley images and hope to do a post about them in the AM :o)
Annette In Oz
Sunday, August 24, 2008
My Nephew Is a Star LOL
My nephew Chris Ross is the ginger bearded lead(who looses his love to the lead singer)in this corny music video clip he did for his friends who are in the band Something With Numbers.It was released on My Space when we were away in QLD recently and it was so funny to us to see him there with the big grin and blushed face cheeks.We all sat around Mum's computer laughing and pausing it in spots.Really though I quite like the song itself and hope the guys do well with it.Chris and his brothers are great fun to be around.I'm not sure if this video code will work here so just in case here is the direct link to My space too.
Just sorting the Kimberley photos today and shall get them up soon.I fell into a spinifex plant over there and had all these sore infected spinifex spines stuck in my hands for over the last week but now I have most of the darn spines out so hope I may be able to get creative again without being in pain.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Christmas At My House Swap.Last pages are here and what I did
On another note when we got home there were the gorgeous last three pages from the Christmas At My House swap waiting for me.Jessie Scherf made this LAURVLEY interactive page with two hinged doors

Sunday, August 10, 2008
More Christmas At My House Pages
and this is the back of Gail's page...wahoo she used Opals embossing enamel here to make a star ornament.Gail makes her own glass shapes
Lastly(for today)is a page by Loretta D'Onofrio.It does not show in the photo but it is all shimmery...she has used some shimmery colourful sprays on the background and the door and there is also a shimmery foil strip at the right.Loretta is another artist I admire greatly here in Oz :o)
Only three more pages to come and then I need to decorate the front and back of the book and put all the pages in.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Christmas At My House Swap
Okies here is the swap hostess's entry...the devine and sweet kind Mary Fenton.This is one side
of Mary's and I love the scrapped paint look of this
and here is Mary's other side...I am so hanging the Chrissy man on my tree this year
Next is Jenny Crossley's page...I adore this child image and don't you love that material strip at the side.