Its nearly time to do the mad Christmas card make and send.I had one day off today and with the new air con running I was able to sit and paint some more aspects of my canvas ladies.I repainted the redheads hair as I didn't like my first try.I used some Pearl-ex to add shimmer that you can't see in the photos as highlights.My light source is from the right in this painting.

and closer

closer again.

My blonde lady also had her hair painted twice.The first time I went for a dark dirty looking blonde but it seemed to blend into the background too easily.Next I made her a yellowish tinged blonde and that worked better I think.The light source is from the left on this one.

Here she is closer

and closer again.

The eye brows are the hardest thing to paint I think.I keep trying to get them similar till I just leave them be.Our faces are not symmetrical anyway.I'll add depth and "make-up to the face and lips next.
Annette In Oz
both beauties but the blond is a BOMb!! héhéhé!!
Your ladies have turned out beautifully!!!!
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