Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What's On Your Workbench Wednesday (WOYWW)

It's Wednesday again and here I am playing in What's On Your Workbench Wednesday or WOYWW. That means it's time to blog surf around the World and have a peak at what art others are doing on their desks, benches, laps and even floors LOL. If you want to find out about this or join in go to Julia's blog here

On my own desk as usual there is a mix of paper crafts and hand made jewellery. On Tuesdays I share an old paper crafts tip or technique so often that project is still on my desk Wednesday as is the case this week. I did complete my etched copper puffy steampunk heart which I'll put an image of in this post too. Now I am slowly creating a few other right shoulder, hip and knee are still causing pain so that is why I said "slowly". So here are some shots of the desk....

"The Aviators Assistant" etched, puffy, steampunk heart necklace.

At rear left on my desk are some cards. I was looking for something yesterday to make a star card and decided to try a Christmas themed one. Instructions for the star card are below this post here. While looking I came across some other past Christmas cards and pulled them out. I'm hoping they inspire me to get making some early for this year before I need to pack up my art supplies for our ? move in coming months to north Queensland. I think the fairy one in the middle is what I shall settle with as I can stamp and colour her in while watching Tv in short spurts so as not to hurt my right shoulder.

This is what is on the middle of my desk

At the right on my desk is an etched house shaped necklace almost finished and my steampunk flying bicycle that now just needs a chain attached.

My 2 fur babies have snuck into the art room again. Scoot is sound asleep on my chair and naughty Minty has scampered up onto the spare bed aaarrrggg!

Big news for me in that my eldest daughter and her fiance are to become parents in January! We are all excited and this will be our first grandchild. Finally a baby to cuddle and give back LOL. Off to suss out some desks :o). Then I want to see if I can find out how to make a shop button for my blog...html is weird looking and I am not sure I'll work that one out but I'll try!!
Annette In Oz


Unknown said...

You have some really cool crafting goodies on your desk. Love the card. happy crafting

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am in LOVE with that puffed heart necklace and the flying bicycle. Makes me wish I wore jewelry. Love them both.

Nikki said...

Humm with no linky I know I looked at your blog but did I comment yet ??? lol k well I'm doing it now if I didn't LOVE YOUR STEAMPUNK jewelery so kewl with all those little parts around to look at :) hugs Nikki I'm posted Here

ddazzled71 said...

Hi Annette and Happy WOYWW! Your steampunk heart turned out beautifulyou have done a fabulous job and I am loving the cute Santas on your Christmas Cards. Your furbabies are just gorgeous too! I hope your pains are easing a little for you and you have a great week! Danie

Unknown said...

So where do I begin??? Congrats on the Gramma title. Being a Gramma is the best job in the world. Both of my girls have January B'days. I love all of your art work you have going on. I love the whole steampunk vibe. Though I have never tried my hand at it. The fairy is gorgeous. I'm also really loving the star next to the fairy as well. The heart necklace is awesome, I can gush on about all your trinkets for a bit. FUN…FUN…FUN!!!! Your furry friends are precious too. If Minty weren't being naughty, would he/she?? be as cute? That face is precious. OK, I've rambled long enough. Have a great week. Congrats again on the new baby!!! (((HUGS)))

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Big congrats granma - prayers to the LORD on your behalf for that shoulder - no woyww but wanted to drop by, love Shaz.xx

Helen said...

Big news this week! congrats on the forthcoming baby.. hope your shoulder recovers soon, but am loving the cards and necklace. Have a good week. Helen.

Julie Lee said...

This is such a great post! Thanks for stopping by last time and sharing my enthusiasm for Cafe Retro Art stuff! I love the finished heart and I see a wonderful little creation on your desk with a tiny frozen Charlotte in it. I love these and would like to do something with one in soon! Congrats on the new addition to the family! I can't imagine being a grandma, as my two have no desire to settle down yet. You must be so excited. Have a lovely week. I am at if Julia's link does not appear, but I'm sure it will later. Julie Ann xx

Jan said...

Wow thanks for sharing your Fabulous WOYWW xx Jan (15)

Claire said...

wow, your desk never disappoints, Annette! it's a veritable arty wonderland - LOVE it :)
happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 8

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw, a new baby for the family - congratulations, how marvellous. You've got steampunk totally off haven't's amazing what you do.
Sorry about the link thing..I did sleep through it..I schedule for a 2am post to give you gals on the other side of the world a chance...ah well...I tried!

glitterandglue said...

What a lovely busy desk.
Have to say, I love the star card. Must read more when I get back from the in the way today!!
Have a great week.
Margaret #9

Sammy said...

I am in love with your desk. I mean *really*! Stunning Steampunk jewellery!

Anne said...

Lovely necklace and really like the star card. Tempted to have a go at the card.
Congratulations on being a Grandma in waiting. I have 4 four grandchildren and love being a Grandma. Had my two grandsons for a few days last week. Great fun and you get to give hem back!!!! Happy WOYWW Anne x #24

Bernice said...

The star card looks complicated, but very effective. Why is it that cats seem to prefer to sit on the beds and chairs, instead of their own perfectly comfortable and cosy beds?!
Bernice #39

ike said...

Huuuuge CONGRATS on your news - how lovely :-)
Saying Hi to the Fur Babies :-)
The puffy heart is gorgeous and I love the star card you showed us how to do. Fabulous !!

I am sending healing vibes for your aches + pains :-( xx


IKE in Greece #58

Unknown said...

Sympathies for especially the shoulder pain, makes crafting very tough I know. congrats on soon-to-be grandparents.

love your little dog, what a cutie.

Lynda #59

sandra de said...

Such wonderful goodies on your desk and those little furballs look quite at home. Congrats on the exciting news and I hope all goes well with the planned move. I do forget how back this country really is but at least you will be on the East coast. Must come back and check out your tutorials, the cards both look great.
Sandra @69

Celeste said...

Scoot is so cute and mischievous. Typical JR.
Congrats on the grandparent news. So exciting for you.

voodoo vixen said...

Hi Annette, love how that heart has turned out and my weakness for old fashioned bicycles says that is a winner too! Congrats on the forthcoming Granny title too! Hope the shoulder holds out for you, the moving of heavy boxes will take its toll, let me tell you! LOL Annette #1 for the first time in 4 years!

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love the things you make! Awesome! And so are your furry friends!
Gabriele 37

roffeycreations said...

Hi for WOYWW - ooh that card in the middle next to your star looks really interesting - congratulations on the great news... so exciting... have a great week - Mxx #84

Glenda said...

Congratulations "Nanny" Fabulous news. Love your desk work. Feeling for you with your pain. I've been under the weather seriously the last few days :-) But we both soldier on aye. All the best, and good news to re the "move"

Twiglet said...

Gorgeous bits and bobs for us to snoop there! x Jo

Erika said...

Hi, your workdesk is looking great! So much things to see and enjoy. Love your pets also and say a heartfull Congratulations to your wonderful Family News.
Hugs Erika

Carole said...

Your desk is so fun to snoop around...super cool flying bike and all the hardware is so fun. I would love to play at your place, I'm sure I could learn a lot.

Be well~ Carole

Tera Callihan said...

Wow Lovely goodies! I love that necklace! This is my 1st WOYWW, Thank you for sharing yours! I look forward to seeing your future projects!
-Tera (#98)

Cazzy said...

Happy WOYWW Annette, I see you beat me to it and commented on my lovely tidy desk already! Now Miss Tidy Boots, I love your desk and all the interesting bits on it, your dog and cat are cute too!

Cazzy x

glitterandglue said...

Glitterandglue here again. Not all 30 cards were actually Christmas cards - but I do love making those. I often make loads more than I need then sell the rest for the orphan school our church supports in Uganda

Gráinne said...

Great desk with a lot of yummie goodies. Love the bits and pieces and the projects too. Suzanne

ibalady said...

love the fairy card. the item to the right , the star card is cool. I see in the prior post. its adorable . glad to see you doing christmas in July. I did for a day or 2. i think im gonna have to find the link for the star card so i can make one .

Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't even know where to start with your desk because there is so much going on. It all looks wonderful. Oh and your dog looks like mine :) Only my Charlie is nearly all brown lol.

Rachael no. 124 x

Annmakes said...

Gosh, I could stare at your desk all day. such lovely projects going on. Congrats on the great news!
Ann #114.

Belinda Basson said...

Hard to be in pain. Love the current project and your two furbabies are too cute! #85

Robin Panzer Art said...

Oh My Gosh your fur babies are so flippin adorable. SMooch on their faces! Happy WOYWW! Thanks for a sharing a peek into your studio space, I love seeing what everyone is up to! ~Robin Panzer Art Studio 33 (#132 whoa…I was late to the party today!)

pearshapedcrafting said...

Such a lovely post! All the lovely things on your desk and news of a new baby - Brilliant and Congratulations to all! Chris46

Unknown said...

Just love your fur kids! We have a cat and she joins me now and then. And your desk is so nice and busy! Your steam punk necklace... wow!
Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #106

sara j said...

Hi Annette-
I always love visiting your desk because it's always a mixture of goodies. The steampunk puffy heart necklace is amazing....omg. And the bicycle? Too, too cool. Sorry to hear about the sure does make those days we feel good- GREAT!! Exciting news about the grand baby...we have a few years to go before we get to that, but I just know it's going to be fun. Thanks for stopping by the Fun Room. Good luck with figuring out the new computer stuff. (yuck). Sara

Annie said...

I'm a bit late visiting this week....I had a really manic day yesterday with my sewing. Thought I'd call in before today became the same!
So much fab stash on your desk....I could play there for hours :-) Great news on the expected new arrival...grandchildren change your life for ever....for the better :-)
A x # 3

Bridget Larsen said...

Love the look on your dogs face as if to say WHO ME!!Your desk always looks good like a chemists lab lol
Bridget #63

Robin said...

Hi Annette! First off, congrats on the upcoming arrival! What great news!!! I love the fur babies all near you, mine are too and if you hop over to my blog you can see where my dog has cushioned herself up at :) I LOVE your jewelry! And the fairy card is so cute. I hope you are feeling better very soon. Pain really causes a delay in creating. My mind goes so much faster than my body can frustrating! Happy WOYWW and enjoy the rest of the week! Rasz #142

fairy thoughts said...

love the heart pendant your desk looks very organised
janet #14

Unknown said...

Hello. Well Im Roberta aka Bert #122. And Im new and very slow at this. I seem to get lost in all the goodies in every one sites.. just wanted to say thank you for sharing and letting me peak. Have a lovely day. Bert


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